Miss Simpkin-Teacher/Keyworker
Miss Oxley-LSA
Start time – 8:40am Pick-up time - 3:15pm
Welcome to Reception!
Spring 1, 2025
We are so excited to learn lots of new things this year and work together to support each child’s learning journey. If we can do anything to help or answer any queries, please contact us at
Reception Long Term Plan 24-25
Our theme this half term is 'Winter'
This half term we will be using our core stories to develop our vocabulary, learn about seasonal change and celbrations.
Core Texts:
Our 2 stories to focus for this half term are 'One Snowy Night' & 'Hairy MacLary'. We will be learning new vocabulary within both of these stories.
Literacy & Phonics
The children will take part in daily RWI lessons learning segment and blend. Children should read their phonics reading book at least 3 times per week and this should be logged in their reading record. Children also have their library book to promote reading for pleasure.
At Canon Popham, we follow maths mastery approach. This half term, we will be focusing on mass and capacity and mastery of numbers up to 8.
Reception Key Instant Recall Facts- Autumn 1
Reception Key Instant Recall Facts-Autumn 2
Reception Key Instant Recall Facts-Spring 1
Understanding the World
The Foundations Of:
RE – This half term we are using Discovery RE to learn about celebrations including New Year, Chinese New Year and Holi
History– Why do we wear different clothes at different times of the year? We will be learning to sequence seasons through the year and decide the clothes we will need to wear at different points in time
Geography- Where in the world would you like to go and how would you get there? We will be looking at holidays and locating different countries we have visited and heard of on a map of the world
Science- What makes it move? We will be learning how force is used to make things move, using push and pull
Computing- Programming- learning to follow and give instructions, debug and make predictions
Personal, Social and Emotional Development
The Foundations Of:
Celebrate- We will be learning how to be kind and celebrate our character strengths
We are a myHappy mind school- we will be introducing to the myHappy mind characters who will help us learn throughout the year. At the end of every myHappy mind session, we finish with our Let Your Light Shine prayer which you can find below.
Expressive Arts and Design-
The Foundations Of:
Music- Charanga- Our World!
Art- Painting- Henri Matisse
We will be learning about the primary colours and how to effectively mix powder paints to create new colours
Physical Development
PE- Our PE lesson will take place every Tuesday, children should come to school every Tuesday wearing their PE kit.
We will also be using our outdoor area to develop our gross motor skills. The children love to practice their running, moving, climbing and throwing skills and have access to our outdoor area every day to practice these.
We love see the things our children have been learning at home from your observations! A Tapestry challenge will be sent out each week on a Friday and you will have the rest of the week to complete this. If you need any support using your Tapestry account to get the most out of this wonderful platform, please ask a member of staff or use the tutorials below to help.
Information from parents meetings- feel free to drop us an email if you have any questions!
Tapestry parents information presentation
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us or give us a call!
Thank you for your support,
Miss Simpkin & Miss Oxley