Year 4


Maths and Writing information for Year 4 parents.

Writing in LKS2 Year 4

Maths Calculations LKS2 Y4

Multiplication  Check 

Please find attached the power point slides used from the parents information meeting. For any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email or speak to a member of staff in school.

Multiplication Check MeetingMultiplication-check-meeting.pdf


Links to online resources.

URBrainy - URBrainy

Top Marks (Hit the button) - Hit the button

Times Table Rockstars - TT rockstars

Please let me know if you would like any paper resources to support your child with their timestables

Spring Term KIRFS 1st Half

This half term we will be focusing on learning the multiplication and division facts for the 9 and 11 times tables.

Spring Term KIRFS 2nd Half

In this half term we will focus on learning decimal equivalents of fractions.

Year 4 Spring Term KIRFS


Autumn Term 2nd Half KIRFS

This half term we will be developing rapid recall of the six times table and related division facts. 

 Year 4 Autumn Term KIRFS


Welcome to Year 4

Beginning of year meeting  Please find attached the beginning of yearYear-4-Welcome-meeting-2024.pdf meeting slides.

Spring Term 1st half   - What we are learning

We hope that you have had a lovely half term and are ready for lots of new learning in the Spring term. 


This half term in maths we are learning about fractions and time


We will begin this half term by learning about fractions. We will be identifying fractions represented in different ways. We will explore equivalent fractions and find fractions of amounts. The children will also compare fractions, and add and subtract fractions. 


During our unit on time we will explore different units of time including, days, weeks, months and years. We will convert between analogue and digital times. We will use both the 12 hour and 24 hour clock. 

Each week children take part in a times table challenge where they have 3 minutes to answer questions based on their times table and related division facts. It is important to build times table fluency as speedy recall will enable them to progress.







It would be greatly appreciated if times tables can be practised at home also - such as using times table rockstars. This will help the children for their Multiplication Test in May/June 2025.


This half term our writing focus will be based on the story Escape from Pompeii. During this unit we will focus on using the correct verb forms and using Standard English correctly. We will be using paragraphs to organise our writing and use fronted adverbials as sentence openers. We will be using a range of punctuation marks including, commas, apostrophes and using the correct punctuation for direct speech. 

At the end of our unit we will be retelling the story from a range of different viewpoints. 


This half term in reading we will be focused on the non-fiction text Volcanoes. We will explore features of non-fiction texts such as using the contents and index pages. We will be using the non-fiction text to answer retrieval questions. 


Our Science unit this half term is Human Impact on the Environment. As part of this unit we will be exploring the impact litter has on the environment and learning about decomposition. We will explore micro-plastics and plastic pollution. We will also explore the impact oil spills has on the environment. 


Our History unit for this half term is The Vikings. As part of this unit we will explore the struggle for the kingdom of England between the Vikings and the Anglo-Saxons. The children will find out where the Vikings came from and why they invaded and settled in England. We will explore the Viking invasions and find out about what happened in 1066 AD. 


In RE this half term we are exploring Judaism.  As part of this unit we will explore the Jewish festival of Passover and find out why it is important for Jewish people to do what God asks them.


In PSHE we will be exploring how to stay safe online. We will explore online friendships and online strangers. 

Our My Happy Mind unit this half term is Relate. 


This half term in PE we will be invasion games. The children will be learning basketball skills and taking part in basketball games. We will also be taking part in a range of multi-skills activities. 


In Music we are learning how to play the glockenspiel and recorder, familiarising ourselves how to play an instrument. As well as understanding notes on a music sheet. At the end of the unit we will compose our own interpretation of songs which we have been using.


In French we are exploring the story Goldilocks and the three bears. We will be listening to the story in French and using what we know about the story to help us to translate key words from the story into French from English. 


In computing we will be creating media. We will explore the features of google sites. We will use these features to create our own book reviews. 


In art this half term we will be exploring collage. We will explore the work of the artists Eileen Downes and create our own collages using recycled and found materials. 

General Reminders

Weekly homework is due on a Monday.

Reading diaries will be checked every Thursday. Please ensure you read between 4 and 5 times a week in order to achieve golden tickets within school.

PE kits to be worn to school on a Tuesday with school uniform in a bag. Trainers to be brought on a Friday.

Any Questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email at

Mrs Eastwood and Mrs Creighton.