Year 4
Maths and Writing information for Year 4 parents.
Multiplication Check
Please find attached the power point slides used from the parents information meeting. For any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email or speak to a member of staff in school.
Multiplication Check MeetingMultiplication-check-meeting.pdf
Links to online resources.
URBrainy - URBrainy
Top Marks (Hit the button) - Hit the button
Times Table Rockstars - TT rockstars
Please let me know if you would like any paper resources to support your child with their timestables
Autumn Term 2nd Half KIRFS
This half term we will be developing rapid recall of the six times table and related division facts.
Welcome to Year 4
Beginning of year meeting Please find attached the beginning of yearYear-4-Welcome-meeting-2024.pdf meeting slides.
Autumn Term 2nd half - What we are learning
We hope that you have had a lovely half term and are ready for lots of new learning in Year 4.
This half term in maths we are learning about multiplication and division, and data.
Multiplication and Division
As part of our work on multiplication and division we will be exploring written methods to help us solve multiplication and division questions. We will be using formal short multiplication and division methods and using a range of maths manipulatives to support our understanding. We will develop our rapid recall of multiplication facts and related division facts.
Discrete and Continuous Data
We will begin our learning about discrete and continuous data by reading, interpreting and comparing pictograms. We will construct our own pictograms and use this information to answer questions. We will read, interpret and construct bar charts and time graphs.
It would be greatly appreciated if times tables can be practised at home also - such as using times table rockstars. This will help the children for their Multiplication Test in May/June 2025.
This half term our writing focus will be based on the book 'Leon and the place between.' As part of this unit we will be exploring the characters and settings in the story. We will be writing setting and character descriptions using a range of grammatical features. We will be focusing on using standard English for verb inflections. We will be using a wide range of conjunctions and using the possessive apostrophe.
At the end of our unit we will be writing diary entries from the viewpoints of different characters in the story.
This half term in reading we will be focused on the story 'The train to impossible places.' The children will be making predictions, reading for fluency, and answering retrieval and inference questions.
We will be developing our gymnastic skills on a Tuesday morning. On a Friday afternoon we will be exploring dance.
In geography lessons this half term we will be exploring North America. As part of this unit we will be using maps and atlases to locate countries, major cities, and human and physical features of the locations studied. We will identify the position and significance of Northern Hemisphere, Southern Hemisphere, Tropics of Cancer and Capricorn. We will also use grid references to locate places of interest.
Our science unit this half term is electricity. As part of this unit we will be identifying common appliances that run on electricity. We will be constructing simple electrical circuits and recognise open and closed switches. We will be recognising common electrical conductors and insulators.
In RE this half term we are exploring Christianity. As part of this unit we will be exploring Incarnation. We will be exploring what texts about God might mean and give examples of what texts might mean to some Christians. We will explore how some Christians show their beliefs about God in the way they live.
In PSHE this half term we will be continuing to use My Happy Mind. We will also be exploring friendship and taking part in a range of activities during Anti-Bullying week.
In Music we are learning how to play the glockenspiel and recorder, familiarising ourselves how to play an instrument. As well as understanding notes on a music sheet. At the end of the unit we will compose our own interpretation of songs which we have been using.
In French we are learning about how to introduce family members. We will explore determiners and nouns for family members in French, and learn how to describe the age of family members.
In computing we will be programming using Scratch. We will be exploring how a Scratch game works, recognise what a variable is and understanding how to make a variable in Scratch.
Design and Technology
In DT this half term designing and making biscuits. We will be adapting an existing biscuit recipe to design and make our own Christmas biscuits.
General Reminders
Weekly homework is due on a Monday.
Reading diaries will be checked every Thursday. Please ensure you read between 4 and 5 times a week in order to achieve golden tickets within school.
PE kits to be worn to school on a Tuesday with school uniform in a bag. Trainers to be brought on a Friday.
Any Questions or concerns please do not hesitate to email at
Mrs Eastwood and Mrs Creighton.