Year 5

Welcome to Year 5's class page

 Welcome to Year 5

Maths Calculations Parents' Guidance

English Information- Year 5 and 6



 Please see below the weekly timetable for Year 5


Here is a summary of what we will be learning in Autumn term. 


In Autumn 2, we will be reading 'The Lost Happy Endings'


Children will be learning to 

- Use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely.

- Describe settings, characters and atmosphere.

- Integrate dialogue to convey character and advance the action. 

- Use inverted commas and other punctuation to punctuate direct speech.

Writing outcome - Traditional Tale

To write a traditional tale focusing on describing settings, characters and alternative endings - pupils write the story of a character who mistreats others which leads to their own demise. 


Each week, our reading lessons will focus in a new short reading text, covering a range of text types that link to our learning across the curriculum. We will develop the six key reading skills (VIPERS) - Vocabulary, Inference, Prediction, Explanation, Retrieval, Summary as well as improving fluency and prosody. 


Below will be the KIRFS we will be focusing on this term. These will be practised weekly but it would be beneficial to practise also at home on websites such as top marks (daily 10).


Multiplication and division

We will be expanding our knowledge on how to answer times table questions by looking at long multiplication of 2 digit numbers x 2 digit numbers. We will develop our understanding of short division (bus stop) as well as dividing numbers with remainders. 

Perimeter and area

We will develop our knowledge from Year 4 maths to estimate areas and perimeters of non-rectilinear shapes as well as investigate perimeter and areas using times table knowledge.

Fractions and decimals

We will be learning how read, write, order and compare decimals. Round decimals to the nearest whole number. As well as comparing fractions where we will need to make equivalent fractions.

Science - Properties and uses of materials

We will be learning about properties and uses of a range of materials. We will compare and group everyday materials based on properties such as hardness, solubility and transparency. 

 Geography- Study of Environmental Regions

Why does the world have different time zones? Latitude and longitude


French - What is the Date?

Computing - Programming music

Children will be able to apply their programming skills and using music using the programming tool of scratch.


My Happy Mind - Celebrate



What is prejudice?

What is the history of prejudice?

What should I do if I encounter prejudice?


Religious Education (RE)

Understanding Christianity (Incarnation) Was Jesus the Messiah?

We will also continue to have our visits from special visitors teaching us about the bible.


PE will be on a Tuesday morning. Children will need to wear their PE kit to school and bring their school uniform in a bag. If your child wears earrings, these must be removed or provide tape to cover them.

PE will also be taught on a Wednesday afternoon where children will bring their PE kits to change into


Navy/Black shorts
White polo shirt or t-shirt (N.B. This should be a different polo shirt to any worn as part of the school uniform)

(for gymnastics, a black leotard may also be worn).


Tracksuits will be allowed for outdoor games in cold weather; these should not be in team colours/fashion brands.

Trainers should be worn which are robust, sturdy and intended for exercise and not fashion.

Design and Technology

Children will be learning how to design and create their own stuffed toy by using stitching and learning the blanket stitch.    


Maths- Given out every Tuesday to be handed in by the following Tuesday.

Reading records – Reading homework – 10 mins each day signed in the home reading record books – 20 times a month reading homework is expected in Upper Key Stage 2. Books will be checked every Wednesday.

If you have any questions, worries or concerns please contact me using the class email:

Thank you.

Miss Westwood & Mrs Wilkinson