Year 6
Maths Calculations – Year 5 & 6English Information- Year 5 and 6
Year 6 Back to School Meeting September 2024
Year 6 SATS parents' information
Year 6
Autumn Term Two 2024
Welcome to the y6 class page. Please see below for a summary of what we will be learning this half term.
In Autumn two we shall be reading "Can we save the tiger? by Martin Jenkins"
Tigers are big, beautiful and fierce. But, like many other animals, they are in danger of becoming extinct. With breath taking illustrations this picture book tells us about the threats to the many endangered species on our planet and the need to prevent their extinction.
Writing outcome:
To write an independent version of a booklet based on an amazing animal (hybrid text type
including information, explanation and persuasion)
Greater depth writing outcome:
To write and present a ‘Newsround’ style TV news report about the tiger crisis
Calculation problems
Understand the use of brackets
Use knowledge of the order of operations to carry out calculations
Generate and describe linear number sequences
Express missing number problems algebraically
Solve equations with unknown values
Deepen understanding of equivalence
Order, simplify and compare fractions, including those greater than one
Recall equivalence between common fractions and decimals
Find decimal quotients using short division
Add and subtract fractions
Missing angles and length
Compare and classify a range of geometric shapes
Use angle facts to find unknown angles
Science: Evolution and inheritance
In this module, children will learn to:
● recognise that living things have changed over time and that fossils provide information about living things that inhabited the Earth millions of years ago
● recognise that living things produce offspring of the same kind, but normally offspring vary and are not identical to their parents
● identify how animals and plants are adapted to suit their environment in different ways and that adaptation may lead to evolution.
Geography: Where does water come from?
The children will:
To know the elements in the Water Cycle.
To know the main rivers of the UK.
To know the features of a river
To know the main rivers of the World
To know how people use rivers
To know how dams are used.
RE- Was Jesus the Messiah?
• Christians believe Jesus is God in the flesh.
• They believe that his birth, life, death and resurrection were part of a longer plan by God to restore the relationship between humans and God.
• The Old Testament talks about a ‘rescuer’ or ‘anointed one’ – a messiah. Some texts talk about what this ‘messiah’ would be like.
• Christians believe that Jesus fulfilled these expectations, and that he is the Messiah. (Jewish people do not think Jesus is the Messiah.)
• Christians see Jesus as their Saviour
French-Regular Verbs
In this purely grammar-based unit pupils will learn how to conjugate regular verbs. They will learn the terminology and patterns involved in regular whole verb conjugation.
Gymnastics -PE Coach (Tuesdays)
Dance – Mrs C (Fridays)
Please ensure that your child comes to school wearing their P.E. kit and have their uniform in order to change into after the lesson on Fridays. If your child wears earrings, these must be removed or provide tape to cover them.
Navy/Black shorts
White polo shirt or t-shirt (N.B. This should be a different polo shirt to any worn as part of the school uniform)
(for gymnastics, a black leotard may also be worn).
Tracksuits will be allowed for outdoor games in cold weather; these should not be in team colours/fashion brands.
Trainers should be worn which are robust, sturdy and intended for exercise and not fashion.
Why do some people take drugs?
Where should I get my health information?
How do I save a life?
My Happy Mind- Celebrate
The Celebrate module is focused on introducing the evidence-based theory that we all have different Character Strengths and that, by understanding what they are and then using them as much as possible, we can be at our best! In this context, Character Strengths refer to those character traits that make us unique. We all have different characters and this is something to celebrate! This is not about what we are 'good' at, like football or maths. It is about who we are, such as being kind or brave.
Music— Sing and Play in Different Styles
Computing - Programming – introduction to python
Learning the fundamentals of the programming language of Python, they will test, change and explain what their program does. Children use loops and explain what repeats do and what the parts of the loop do while recognising that computers choose random numbers and decompose the program into an algorithm.
Design Technology-Digital world:
Design and program a navigation tool to produce a multifunctional device for trekkers using CAD 3D modelling software. Pitch and explain the product to a guest panel.
Maths- Given out every Friday to be handed in by the following Thursday.
Week days – Reading homework – 15 mins each day signed in the home reading record books – 20 times a month reading homework is expected in Key Stage 2. Books will be checked every THURSDAY.
Reading records must be returned to school on THURSDAY morning.
If you have any questions, worries or concerns please contact me using the class email:
Thank you.
Mrs N. Clemitshaw & Mrs H. Mumford