What is the Teaching for Maths Mastery approach?
Maths mastery is a teaching and learning approach that aims for pupils to develop deep understanding of maths rather than being able to memorise key procedures or resort to rote learning.
The end goal and expectation is for all pupils (with very limited exceptions) to have acquired the fundamental facts and concepts of maths for their year or key stage such that by the end of it they have achieved mastery in the maths they have been taught. At this point they are ready to move confidently on to their next stage of maths.
Mastery of a mathematical concept means a child can use their knowledge of the concept to solve unfamiliar word problems, and undertake complex reasoning, using the appropriate mathematical vocabulary.
The core principles of conceptual understanding, language and communication and mathematical thinking underpin all aspects of the curriculum with problem solving at its heart and embedded in the planning and teaching of all units so that every child can enjoy and succeed in mathematics.
Teaching for Maths Mastery Approach Specific Facts and Methods Progression
Reception Maths Yearly Overview
Year 1 - Year 5 Key Maths Representations
Mathematical Vocabulary Taught - EYFS - Year 6
Teaching for Maths Mastery Approach Whole School Curriculum Planning
Key Instant Recall Facts (KIRFs)
To develop children’s fluency and mental maths skills, we are introducing KIRFs (Key Instant Recall Facts) throughout school. KIRFS are a way of helping our children to learn by heart, key facts and information which they need to have instant recall of.
KIRFs are designed to support the development of mental maths skills that underpin much of the maths work in our school. They are particularly useful when calculating, adding, subtracting, multiplying or dividing. They contain number facts such as number bonds and times tables that need constant practise and rehearsal, so children can recall them quickly and accurately.
Instant recall of facts helps enormously with mental agility in maths lessons. When children move onto written calculations, knowing these key facts is very beneficial. For a child to become more efficient in recalling them easily, they need to be practised frequently and for short periods of time.
Each half term, children will focus on a Key Instant Recall Fact (KIRF) to practise and learn at home for the half term.
Throughout the half term, the KIRFs will also be practised in school and your child’s teacher will assess whether they have been retained.
The KIRFs for each year group can be accessed below:
Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check
The multiplication tables check (MTC) is a statutory assessment for eligible primary school pupils and takes place in June.
The purpose of the MTC is to determine whether pupils can recall their times tables fluently, which is essential for future success in mathematics. It helps schools identify pupils who have not yet mastered their times tables, so that additional support can be provided.
Click on the links below to play games that support your child to learn and remember times tables facts up to 12 x 12.
Canon Popham’s Times Table Challenge!
Times Tables Rockstars
When it comes to times tables, speed AND accuracy are important – the more facts your child remembers, the easier it is for them to do harder calculations. Times Table Rock Stars is a fun and challenging programme designed to help pupils master the times tables. To be a Times Table Rock Star you need to answer any multiplication fact up to 12×12 in less than 3 seconds!
The goal is for all participating rockers to be Times Table Rock Stars after 20 weeks!
NUMBOTs is an on-line programme to boost addition and subtraction skills. It is about every child achieving the “triple win” of understanding, recall and fluency in mental addition and subtraction. Playing little and often will significantly improve a child’s recall and understanding of number bonds and addition and subtraction facts which are critical foundations in maths. In order to get the best out of NUMBOTs children should regularly play for short bursts of time over the week.
Reflex/ Frax
Maths facts and fractions are two areas of mathematical learning where young students may struggle the most.
Reflex (for maths facts) and Frax (for fractions) are on-line learning programmes for children in Key Stage 2 which develop this critical knowledge in a way that is both fun and effective. It gives children the maths skills and confidence they need to take on what comes next!
Our Maths Magic!
Enjoy watching the powerpoint to see all our wonderful Maths learning.