There is nothing more important to us than the physical, emotional and spiritual welfare of our pupils. For this reason, we regard the need for safeguarding all children from all harm as vitally important. We believe that every child, regardless of age, has at all times and in all situations, a right to feel safe and protected from any situation or practice that results in a child being physically, psychologically or spiritually damaged.
At Canon Popham C of E Primary Academy we use a robust system for recording incidents called CPOMs. It enables any issues raised to be recorded, at anytime, by any member of staff. It provides the trust with comprehensive reports, enabling challenge, which ensures staff are held to account.
Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs S Patton (Executive Head Teacher) Mrs J Shelton (Head of School)
Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead: Mrs D Milnes (Assistant Head)
If you have a concern about a child, please email
If you want to report a concern about a child please use the following link to Doncaster Safeguarding Children Partnership
DSAT E-Safety Policy 2024-2025 pdf
‘Educators, social workers and other professionals working with children and young people play a key role in supporting children to learn about how to stay safe on-line.’
In the event of any e-safety concerns the school’s designated person to contact is Mrs J Shelton or Mrs S Patton.
It is our experience that this is best achieved by embedding e-safety across the curriculum through a framework of effective policies and routes for reporting concerns such as cyber bullying.
As well as supporting young people to stay safe on-line, we also educate our staff to protect their own on-line reputation, particularly when using social networking sites.
Here at Canon Popham C of E Primary Academy we use a range of resources to help bring internet safety into the classroom and to develop a progressive digital literacy curriculum.
We invite other professionals into school to help support the delivery of on-line safety including NSPCC, best practice agencies and use weekly Wake-up-Wednesday resources from The National College. Our Y6 children also attend Crucial Crew on a yearly basis to learn more about keeping safe.
How can Parents and Carers best support their children?
It is really important to chat with your children on an ongoing basis about staying safe on-line.
Not sure where to begin? These conversation starter suggestions can help.
1. Ask your children to tell you about the sites they like to visit and what they enjoy doing on-line.
2. Ask them about how they stay safe online. What tips do they have for you, and where did they learn them? What is OK and not OK to share?
3. Ask them if they know where to go for help, where to find the safety advice, privacy settings and how to report or block on the services they use.
4. Encourage them to help someone! Perhaps they can show you how to do something better on-line or they might have a friend who would benefit from their help and support.
5. Think about how you each use the internet. What more could you do to use the internet together? Are there activities that you could enjoy as a family?