Welcome to our Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) information page

 Our school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO) is Miss M. Simpkin

Hopefully you will find everything that you need. Should you require any additional information or have any questions please contact your class teacher, see Miss M. Simpkin, then Mrs J. Shelton (Headteacher) should you require any further support.

The email address for any SEND enquiries is


SEND Newsletter

Please see the latest additions of our SEND newsletter, which is sent out to families each half term.

SEN Newsletter-Spring 1 2025


Useful Documentation

Canon Popham Accessibility Plan

Canon Popham contribution to the Local Offer

SEND Policy

Canon Popham SEND Curriculum Adaptations

Local Offer - SEND link to Doncaster Council website

DSAT Academies Complaints policy


What is SEND?

Children have additional educational needs if they have a learning difficulty that calls for additional educational provision to be made for them. Children have a learning difficulty if they:

'Have a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of children of the same age.
Have a disability that prevents or hinders them from making use of educational facilities of a kind generally provided for children of the same age in schools within the area of the local authority.
Are under compulsory school age and fall within the definitions above or would so do if special educational provision was not made for them.’ (Code of Practice September 2014)
There are now four broad areas of SEND, these are:

  • Communication and Interaction

  • Cognition and Learning

  • Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties

  • Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties

Some children may have needs in one or more of these areas.

How do we identify, assess and monitor additional needs?

At Canon Popham we follow a graduated support procedure. This consists of:

  1. Assess

  2. Plan

  3. Do

  4. Review

This is a cycle of provision that we utilise at each stage of the process.

What happens if the school feel that my child has additional needs?

First of all any concerns and/or issues that have become apparent to school staff will be discussed with the parent/guardian. Should these concerns remain then guidance will be sought from the Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCO). Together we will formulate a plan of action, with timescales for review. These plans usually follow the following steps;-

1. Many pupils can experience delay in their learning and may not be making expected progress for a variety of reasons. We, as a staff and professionals, know our children and families well. Should a child be flagged up then we will endeavour to find out if there are any external factors that need to be considered. Children will be monitored closely by their class teacher and SENCO. School may make reasonable adjustments following the graduated approach of support to ensure pupils can reach their full potential.

2. If reasonable adjustments are made and your child is requiring an additional level of support, the SENCO and class teacher will discuss this further and invite you to a meeting where we can share your child's strengths and difficulties. At this point with your support, your child may be added to our SEN register. Once a potential additional need is identified, action will be taken to put further targeted and effective support in place. An Educational Support Plan (ESP) will be completed, with specific targets set and progress monitored at least three times per term. In addition, planned reviews will take place with the pupil and family member termly, with informal updates completed more frequently.

3. Should classroom teachers and/or the Special Educational Needs Coordinator have evidence that certain children are still not making good progress then the SENCO will arrange intensive additional SEND support in any or all of the four areas. This may include applying for additional funding and include referrals to external specialist services and teachers with additional specialist qualifications may be called upon to provide guidance, assessment, support and/or provision. Following this there may be intensive specific programmes to be followed by all adults coming into active learning situations with the child. 

4. Should children still not be making appropriate progress then the formal assessment procedures for an Education Health and Care Plan will be started by the SENCO in conjunction with the Parents, Headteacher and other Specialist Services. The legal assessment procedures outlined in the Local Offer by Doncaster Local Authority will be followed. Parents will be updated of this process during the 20 week timeframe as detailed on the EHC Hub (IDOX System). 

Useful Links

Local Offer - SEND link to Doncaster Council Website

Parent Voice


RDASH – School Nursing

RDASH – Health Visitors